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My wild Journal, inspiration behind the art

How Do Rimbaud's Les Illuminations Inspire Modern Paintings?

Writer's picture: Naima NamasteNaima Namaste

Updated: May 6, 2024

Hello dear friends, art lovers and dreamers...

I'm so excited today to announce that I'm almost close to finish my flower bouquets serie I started this summer 2022. It was truly a joy for me to create each paintings.

A poetic flower bouquet oil painting
"Euphoria" is sold

wild flower oil painting
a close up of Euphoria
The serie is entitled Illuminations, which is inspired by my favorite poet of all time Arthur Rimbaud*.

*You can find a great website I have been using as a source to learn about his poetry called Mag4 which is in French and English.

a little history of mine....
I was born in Normandie, France and when I was young I studied at school French poets and writers. Arthur Rimbaud immediately caught my attention, touched my heart.
First by the immense beauty of his poetry and second the young man that he was. A true bohemian, wanderer and adventurer.

I loved to learn about his life through the years, something I did on my own, reading about him, trying to understand his poetry and watching movies that relate his life.

One of my all time favorite movie is called Total Eclipse. I highly suggest you to watch it!

Art and poetry make one. When I create on a canvas, I feel like painting prose. Rimbaud loved nature and it was one of his favorite subject.

I love to spend time observing nature and getting lost in my mind. To seek peace, inspiration and to become nature myself. In these paintings, I am sharing that bond we have with mother earth and all living beings as well as sharing some parts of Rimbaud's poetry using collages from an old book that I owned.

I painted these flowers out of my imagination, I thought of the flowers that I love the most like the peonies, roses, wildflowers...and also the beautiful flowers I was used to see as a child like the big daisies, lavender fields...

Each paintings have a meaning and beautiful energy that will be diffused into your home I believe.
I am myself enjoying them everyday until they find their forever home.
untamed is a vibrant flower bouquet oil painting
"Untamed" oil painting
And finally, here are some of my favorite poems of Arthur Rimbaud, eternal dreamer, lover, wanderer and genius.

On the blue summer evenings, I shall go down the paths, Getting pricked by the corn, crushing the short grass: In a dream I shall feel its coolness on my feet. I shall let the wind bathe my bare head.

I shall not speak, I shall think about nothing: But endless love will mount in my soul; And I shall travel far, very far, like a gipsy, Through the countryside - as happy as if I were with a woman.

Arthur Rimbaud March 1870.

In this poem, Rimbaud expresses his feelings and sensations as a young men, exploring love, nature and romance...he is a master of metaphors.
As a bohemian, wild heart, freedom is connected to happiness with nature as its companion. Rimbaud refers nature as a woman at the end of the poem which I find absolutely beautiful. This infinite love will mount in his soul... Rimbaud translate the highest form of love as a connection with Nature... the moment you meet her, the well being feeling, the tenderness and lightness...

A vibrant painting of a wild flower bouquet with dahlias and abstract flowers, a fox is walking near the bouquet
Wild Sweet oil painting


Elle est retrouvée. Quoi? - L'Éternité. C'est la mer allée Avec le soleil.

Âme sentinelle, Murmurons l'aveu De la nuit si nulle Et du jour en feu.

Des humains suffrages, Des communs élans Là tu te dégages Et voles selon.

Puisque de vous seules, Braises de satin, Le Devoir s'exhale Sans qu'on dise : enfin.

Là pas d'espérance, Nul orietur. Science avec patience, Le supplice est sûr.

Elle est retrouvée. Quoi ? - L'Éternité. C'est la mer allée Avec le soleil.

Mai 1872

Thank you for reading.

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