Today I would like to share with you my process on how I myself paint like an impressionist.
First I would like to tell you what it means to me to paint like an impressionist.
Impressionists are known to be plein air painter
Impressionists painter used to use paint straight from the paint tube onto the canvas, therefore the color blended on the canvas.
They were painting the present moment focusing on the light and painting fast.
And the most famous brushstroke was a "virgule" you will notice it if you look close the at paintings of Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh... the shape of some brushstrokes looks like coma.
Below is one of my latest painting of a scene I visited when I was in Provence this summer painted in an impressionism style.
I have started to sketch my ideas when I was there using watercolor (plein air) and when I came back home, I translated it onto the canvas using oil pastels and finishing with oil paint. You will noticed a lot of texture as I primed my canvas with a modeling paste and added some collages.

On this piece I focused on the light dancing on the water and the depth of it but also the movement in the sky with this bold brushstrokes to create these clouds. Finally I wanted to make those trees alive even if painted in an abstract way. It truly represents to me the beauty of this beach and how vivid the colors were when I was there.
The wild flowers and the pine trees... the energy of that place was truly special and somehow this is what matters when I paint. To be able to recreate these colors and sensations on canvas is what inspires me the most and makes me happy.
I have found myself love more and more paint plein this year as it really connects me to the moment present. It is healing and very peaceful to be in the present. It allows me to stress less and worry less of the future.
I hope this will inspire to go outdoor today and bring your colors with you. Painting, not necessarly just in summer but each season, to explore in depth the multitude of colors, shapes and different light of the sun and the sky....
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